ESL Writings at CILC & CILT

quarta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2014


(By: Douglas Nogueira -B5)

    I was born a long time ago. I have three eyes, sharp teeth and an antenna. I am evil, scary and so grotesque that even adults are afraid of me. I live in a haunted forest. I love to scare everybody. This is so much funny to me. I can do things that even I am afraid of telling. I like to turn myself into a vampire. This reminds me of a story. Let me tell you guys: It happened a few years ago, I was a vampire and I was in a dark street when I saw a human. I tried to kill him but he managed to escape. He thought he was safe… HA, HA, HA. But that night, I found his house and I waited for him in his room. When he lay down and was sleeping. I pulled his blanket and devoured him, leaving nothing. You may think you're safe from me, but be very careful, because I can make a visit to you tonight! (EVIL LAUGHS).

b.      The vacuum monster
(By: Pedro Henrique – B5)

    I'm the Dante monster. I'm evil, rude and powerful. I live in the vacuum of space. I love to visit earth and eat humans… because I hate all humans...they say I'm very scary. I have big horns, sharp teeth, four legs, two arms and long fangs. I visit the earth every hundred years during a full moon. There is just one year missing for me to go back to earth, you maybe you will be the next victim.

c.       The Guardian Monster
(By: Guilherme Pereira – B5)
    My name is Jack and I'm a monster. I am the protector of the world of monsters and my duty is not to let any monster enter the world of humans. Fifteen years ago, a monster called Dilan invaded the human world and played all sorts of tricks and spread bad attitudes in their world. He was so evil that only 15 years later we managed to hold him and take him to the keepers – the monster’s police. But it was too late, because he had already broken the gate separating the two worlds (the living and the dead).  Now, humans want to hunt monsters and monsters also hunt humans. Although I have super powers, they do not last for long anymore. But I heard there are some magic stones that when combined can make a wish, they are 7 stones that only work when used together and I have only six. So, I am after the last one so that I can accomplish my desire, which is to separates the two worlds again and  bring tranquility to the whole existence of both monsters and humans. There were rumors that Dilan was in power of this last stone, so I went after him and there was one epic and difficult battle. Eventually, I came out the winner, so I gathered the magic stones and made my request and managed to bring peace to everyone and this is my story.

d.      Blad, the Friendly Moster
(By: Natalia Oliveira – B5)

Dear diary,
    Hi, I'm Blad. I always wanted to write in a diaries and I'm doing it now, so down to business. I'm a monster, I have one big eye and snake tongue. I'm lovely and invisible. I don't live in strange places like haunted houses and I don't like to scare. I can fly and I can walk through walls. Today is a nice and quiet day. I think I will sleep earlier to write here again tomorrow.

e.      Juca’s Life
(By: Maristela de Oliveira Sampaio - B5)

    This story is not a common story. It is not a fairy tale... So, how can I begin?... People say that I am powerful... I am cute, invisible.... Invisible? So how can people see me? I can prove that I exist using my big eyes, they can't disappear. I also can fly jump and disappear.   I work under beds on Sundays, but I don't like my job, because I prefer to work in the cemetery.  It's a good place because I... ha, ha.... love scaring people who walk through there.   Although I like scaring people, I am a very nice, lovely and funny monster. I just like to scare people for sharing fun. Ha, ha. I love playing tricks on people.

f.        A cold day
f.        (By: Nathalia de Souza Queiroz terça – B5)

    On a dark and cold day, I was walking around town and there I saw a human. He was startled because of my three big eyes, I'm hairy, I like to eat meat and I run fast. I live in a forest and I am strange. I could not see that he was sad, so when I screamed, he cried. Hence, when I saw his reaction, I came closer to him, we talked and we became good friends.  

g.      A Story not so Cool
(By: kalianneKailla Alencar – B5)

    During a full moon, I was in my rundown house and I looked at myself and noticed that I was ugly, I haid big eyes, 4 heads and Medusa's hair. I was rude, evil and powerful.  A long time ao I was walking and a monster boy stepped in dront of, me and said that I was beautiful. He haid snake tongue, antennae, three eyes and that he was cute, lovely and colorful; I said "thanks". He invited me to eat a fried zombie, so we came fleing to the restaurant in a deep forest, but played fire ball without me and I ate him, because I was bad, very bad.

h.      Everything can Change
(Lays Ximenes)

     A long time ago, I had a dream, I was a vampire and I had 4 heads, but to be scarier, I looked as if I wasn't bad. Everybody fled from me. So, if one day I met somebody who loved me I  would be normal again, but I never met anyone. The time has passed and I became bad and now all that I want is to suck more and more blood from people. One day, who knows, I will abandon all these things and I will go to a cave, to live alone and leave humans in peace. A bit about my life

i.        Kerolayne’s Monster
    Hello! my name is Kerolayne Vicente and you've  probably noticed that I'm a snake but I have the trunk of a woman and like any other snake I have sharp teeth and like every  beautiful woman I have claws. I usually do not like people, because I like to be very bad and many people find me intimidating, but I do not care. I live in a haunted house and I like to wander in the woods and bathe me in the lake to relax and I enjoy haunting you in nightmares. I like to eat lives because they make me stronger. I love drinking blood because blood is very tasty. I love jumping from tree to tree because so few people have seen me  until today, because I can disappear quickly and during the Full Moon I sheds my snake  skin in a mysterious cemetery. I like to spend time at the cemetery talking to the dead who wept at death and I think it is cool. When I get the urge to attack something or someone I approach quietly and I stab from behind, because I love being evil, ha, ha, ha…

j.        The Shapeshifter
(Jackson Marques)
       I'm a shapeshifter monster. I can have any form, but my original form is similar to that of an ogre. I have broad hands, grotesque skin and big feet. I shed the skin when I transform into the person I want. I don't have any other power. I live in the sewage, I never lived elsewhere. I'm evil and bad. I like to turn myself into a man and I usually stay with them while they are out. Then I torture them to make them pay for the crime I committed.
       But I was doing this last month when Dean Winchester hunter of evil things as me. I was in the basement of a house torturing a woman. When he arrived quietly and simply killed me and I didn't have time to move. Now I'm here in the purgatory wanting to go out and kill him.

k.       The Portion
(Lorrany de Sá)

    A few years ago, I was walking through the forest when, suddenly, I found a witch who could make a spell to become invisible. I hid behind a tree to see what would happen, only unintentionally I broke a twig. And the witch asked: Who's there? I tried to hide, but she saw me. And then she said: come and try my portion. And then I took a sip of the portion. The witch looked at me and said that every time someone clapped I'd be invisible. I went home thinking it was all a joke.
    The next morning, my mother woke me up clapping and said: Where are you my daughter? And I was there on the bed... That's when I stopped and thought, “the portion actually works”. My mother clapped again and said:” There you are!” I started to ask myself what it would be like to be invisible in front of everyone. Would I be considered a freak? What would they think of me? At first it was so hard. But I ended up liking the idea. Am I the only one at school that has special powers?
I love being a monster.

l.        A monster in the fridge

                                              (Letícia dos SantosPereira)

    There was once, during a full moon, a monster in the fridge. One night, I heard a noise and thereafter a loud and scary scream that came in kitchen. Thus, I went there to see what was happening. I was alone and afraid, so I caught my lantern. When I arrived in the hallway, I heard footsteps and a door closing, but it wasn't the kitchen door, it was the fridge's door. Then, I opened the fridge and I saw a slimy, but lovely, funny and very hungry little monster. He was eating the apple pie that my mother left for my breakfast. Finally, it was all too well, I ordered him to go out and I gave all of my pie to him.

1.1 – POEMS

a.      Blue
(By: Carlos Eduardo da Cruz – A1)

From the eyes of blue
Come the blue tears of pain
And from the distance of a kiss
Comes the blues of a man
Like crystal drops,
Tears run out of the blue
Showing the world
I’m so in love with you
Now I realize why the tears fall like rain
Now I realize why, like thunder, flashes pain
Now I realize why the sky is blue:
It’s a world of happiness – and still we get the blues

b.   DONE (I)
                                                     (Henrique Lobo)

As he takes her unto his arms,
She smiles to life,

All the stars in the sky
Are trying to shine,

Everyone is looking for their soul-mate,
But sometimes along history,

Now, all this is lost
Making my heart stop…

Now, I’m in heaven,
Making God smile,

Now, this place is empty,
Saying that love is a freak.

My love left me alone,
Forcing m y life to be done.

Now, I have to go,
‘cuz I don’t want to hear a howl.

c.       Done (II)
(Henrique Lobo)

When we’re alright,
There comes the dark midnight,
And I can’t sleep with this tic-tac,
Because the bass remembers my heart…

Death took away my love
Giving to my life a full-stop, a dot,
Thus the monster inside my head
Took all of whom I had…

But we fight with this kind,
‘cuz we want to be alive,
Though the soul now rests in the sky,
Someday we’ll meet up so high…

Somebody found the werewolf
The only thing I can say is: “Oh, poor…”
When I think about this lie…
I look at the mirror and start to cry…

I truly loved and they know,
But sometimes I need to howl…
In the dark, there is a flame,
But now I can’t explain…

I can’t say anything anymore,
Because… now…
I’ve to meet with God…

d.      Done (III)
(Henrique Lobo)

Where there is peace
I’d like to be…
Silence is better than noise,
This is why I will take a shot and shoot…

But now my gun is empty,
And I have to check on it…

In my house…
There’s a hall,
Where I hear voices call,
So I want to be exiled out.

I want a sweet dream,
Of nightmares I’m full,
Especially of the black skull.
Yesterday, I heard a: “-Who?”

There’s a photo on the wall
Which makes me laugh…
I want happiness here,
There’s a long time I haven’t seen it…

I want to love all the people
And make them wiggle…

1.2  – War Letters

a.      A Letter to the Front
(By: Princess)

Brasília, February 21rst, 2011
QNL 7 – Block ‘f’ –House
             It is important for you to know how much I miss you and so I wrote this poem for you. I miss you because the best moments I have are at your side. I miss you because what I miss the most in this world is to be by your side. I miss you because my eyes always wanted to tell you that my heart was silent without you. I miss you, it´s not worth trying to forget you’ve been thinking only of you. I miss you because this time all I want to say is that I have always loved you.
Love always,
Your princess.

b.      Haline’s Letter
(By: Haline)

Brasília, February 21rst, 2011
QNL 7 – Block ‘f’ –House
To My beloved  John,
         I live to see you coming through I the door of our house smiling. A sweet smile, but so impetuous that makes me remind the reason why I fell in love with you.
         Today it has been three years since you went to the war, taking my heart and my peace. Each news that comes to my heart. I am afraid of hearing the news when I think about it and you can’t come back. I stay...
I don´t know how I can describe the things around here. Everything stayed empty when you left. The country stopped, the city stopped and my life stopped...
           I would like to tell you that I miss you... I love you and I will always love you...
Love always,
Your Haline.

c.       Katiucia’s Letter to her Husband at the Front
(By: Katiúcia Maria Sousa Araújo)

Ceilândia, May 8th, 2011-05-10
        For the love of my life
    I asked for a pen and a paper, because I needed to write a few lines, I was never brave enough to look you in the eyes and tell you, but now I do. I cannot guarantee you a long and fulfilling life by my side. However, now that I am weak and powerless, which keeps me from writing just to tell you what I feel. My hands are trembling due to my weak muscles. So, sorry for the letter, I’ll miss walking aimlessly on the streets feeling the raindrops, the sound it makes, the cold on my back, the sand inside the toes, summer holiday, candy cashew and the starry sky. If only I could look unto the sky once again during the month of July… I tried to list what I’d miss the most, but every one or two words were you. I feel, once again, the scent of your hair, see your smile and to never have confessed what I felt, in some ways to protect you. It would be easier to bear the loss of a friend, but my pain is unbearable, as all days are bitter to waste. Sometimes I pray to God for this whole nightmare to be over and I wake up with no cancer that things would be OK and that I would not die in a few days, but I am not worthy of such a miracle. I thank you for at least being alive and to have you by my side all this time, for when you’re here I want to live, I do not want to die and leave you. I fear the tears will wet my face now, sorry if I stain the paper, because the shadowy presence of my stolen days makes me feel so cold, but you’re here with me somehow. It is your presence and will to live which gives me strength when my body is weak and frail, it is the thought of you that gives me courage when fear is here. I wanted to see you before my end, look into your eyes and say I love you, on my last day living. I just wanted you to know what I feel for you since the start.
Until eternity,
                           Katiúcia Maria Sousa Araújo,

d.      Andessa’s Letter
(By: Andressa)

Brasília, March 3rd,  2011
QNL 7 – Block ‘f’ –House
My love
         I wrote this letter with a huge pain, while you are gone the pieces of my heart keep missing you, when you are gone the face I came to knbow is missing too.  All I ever wanted you to know was that for you I would give my heart, my everything, even my soul. Without you I can hardly breathe. I need you to be here with me. I also want you to know the while you are away, I will always love you.
I miss you.
Andressa Alves

e.      Erick’s Letter from the Front
(By: Erick Stanley)

       I wanna tell you how much I love you. It’s quite hard to be apart from you for so long. Sweetheart, I wish you were in my arms, to look into your eyes  and kiss you, but I can’t.  Don’t worry, I will be back to you as soon as possible and all will be o.k.
Kisses, I miss you every day, from the trench,
Your beloved,
Erik Stanley

1.3  – Sonhos

a.      How Strangers can become Friends
(By: Pedro Henrique – B5)
    A man was walking on desert, when the night fell, he slept. A lion passed next to the man and saw that the man was in danger. Then the lion killed the snake than would kill the man. Then the man woke up and saw that the lion had saved his life. After that, the man gave water and food to the lion, then the lion and the man went.

b.      Just a Nightmare
(By: Lays Ximenes)

     One night, a man was sleeping, when he woke up frightened because he felt someone smell him, but he looked and see nothing. In the morning he went to the sea when something hit him, he was very desperate, because there was a lion. This lion could kill him, sundddenly the man woke up...It was only dream.

a.      APPEARENCES: Judging a Book by its Cover.
b.      (By, Douglas Nogueira -B5– Based on Henri Rosseau’s painting: The Gypsy)

    A woman was sleeping in a desert when a big and beautiful lion came and started to observe that woman. The time went by, and the lion continued to observe that woman. But he only wanted her to satisfy your hunger. He was thinking to eating her when something so fantastical happened. She turns into a flaming PHOENIX and staring beating their wings and saying: "You were thinking of eating me, weren’t you”? -  Just because I look weaker? But you are mistaken! Never judge the book for its cover. I am more beautiful and stronger than you, fool. People think that just because we seem weaker or are less beautiful than them we will never be stronger and more beautiful. We all change, some for better others for worse than we are today, but we all can change. I can fly, and you can only run. I can go to places you've never seen, and you might never see someday. In life, ii t does not matter how hard you hit, but how you handle each situation, the important is how you hold and keep each opportunity and it is you capacity to endure and to move on. So, to all those who think that they are too small for their dreams, I suggest that you keep  on dreaming and working hard to achieve your dreams, because ... ONLY YOU will be able to make your dreams come true one day!

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